Nice big rainbow after the crazy storm. |
Tropical storm brought stifling heat and haze to Hong Kong. We endured one of the hottest days of the year yesterday. The Maximum temperature recorded at the observatory was 37c in the afternoon.
Freaking HOT!
In the late afternoon in ShekO, I swear I have not been this crazy situation before.
That 's DRIVE me NUTS! such as the part of "the day after tomorrow"in the movie.
受熱帶低氣壓「韋森特」影響,琴日係最熱最悶焗的一日,氣溫衝破37℃!熱到痴線 !
下午5點半左右去到石澳想下水前,點知見到有舊黑雲係大浪灣方向黎緊,行得好快,心知不妙! 好似拍戲咁,個天風雲變色得好快。
The black cloud coming to ShekO from North. 5:40pm |
Which I still thought might be going to raining soon.
BUT! Actually It was not !
The black cloud was coming too fast. Start windy. 5:41pm |
People start screaming and running back to the beach. still 5:41pm |
People were panicked to pack up the stuffs. 5:42pm |
The black cloud covered and brought us super blustery sandy wind. 5:43pm |
Scary moment. the sun umbrellas and garbages were blowed up chaotically. too Dangerous. 5:45pm |
At my back was still bright. but Poor chairs and umbrellas. 5:45pm |
Shit.... 5:46pm |
Thunder storm heavy raining 6:04pm |
6:20pm |
after the storm .. messy beach 6:35pm |
Awa .. Soften rainbow came up on clam beach. 6:45pm |
What a crazy day!