The Naked Island Project (TNIP) 和他們的支持者反對政府計劃安裝一個石鼓洲焚化爐,正正鄰近在貝澳泳灘。
Event Name: "Motion in the Ocean"
Location: Pui O Beach, South Lantau (大嶼山貝澳)
Date: Saturday 22nd June 2013 (6月22日,星期六)
Time: 3.30pm
For: Paddlers, surfers, families, paddle clubs and anyone willing to get wet!
Any guesses as to why this drilling rig is in Pui O? |
“石鼓洲位置不適合大規模,複雜的工業過程; 這將是世界上最大的垃圾焚化爐,需要格外小心,以確保排放不危害人體健康,包括導致視癌症。
Location is not suited to a large-scale, complicated industrial process: this will be among the world’s largest waste incinerators, needs extreme care to ensure that emissions are not harmful to health, including causing cancers”
If toxic emissions are released, will spread across surrounding area, including over Lantau and to Kowloon and Tuen Mun”
“會趕絕了全球瀕危的江豚 [罕見且可愛的動物] 更多的海洋生物會被殺死
Will kill globally endangered porpoises [rare, and cute]; More marine life will be killed”
Shek Kwu Chau has fascinating land wildlife, including white-bellied sea-eagle, a unique snake species, rare lizard, high butterfly diversity. All could suffer from air pollution; disturbance may stop the eagles nesting.”
all info by "incinerator site"
﹣ http://www.facebook.com/NoShekKwuChauIncinerator
﹣ https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Naked-Islands-Project-HK/160150074157623