Archive for 2012
Goodbye 2012
Hope you guys enjoy the day and have fun the counting down night :)
See you guys next year in the water!
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone!
Sorry didn't updated for a while since it s so busy on my working schedule before the end of 2012.
North East wind force 4-5, 17c-20c cloudy today. Big wave bay was pumping many sets of big waves such as typhoon swell. Though many ppl know about crazy close out / breaking waves recently in BWB due to the issue of sand bottom.
But Today, it looks some good set when you picked nice waves carefully.
Everyone enjoyed! Do you?
See you guys in the water tomorrow.
聖誕快樂呀!由於本人工作忙碌,無時間update 個BlOG。
今日終於又再出動相機,影左今日大浪灣既浪況,相信大多人都係到呻個灘D浪Com到死。今日事實又真係9成Com, 不過水漲有D浪真係OK,你夠膽落你咪玩到下囉!XD
Gabriel Medina Super Air
Check this HUGE frontside air of Gabriel Medina's Super Show in Rip Curl Pro Portugal.
He is absolutely a Freaking Air Monster!!!! Sick!
Gabriel Medina 在葡萄牙的Rip Curl Pro的超級show! 加速再跳過飛上6ft高!! 細細浪都可以做到咁!係香港的細浪應該難唔到佢!癲架 !
Rip Curl Pro Portugal | the medina super show | free surf session 02 from ONFIRE Surf on Vimeo.
Alright! He could do it easily in BWB for sure!!!!
Wish could see the Live show of him!!
Quiksilver Campus in France
Entance |
今年在夏季的法國遊,有幸到法國南部St Jean de Luz參觀Quiksilver 歐洲區總公司(Quiksilver Campus) 。簡直大開眼界,面積大到好似一個城市,外觀建築味重,成個區域好似俾森林包圍住,正門口外牆有幅好大既廣告,堅俾Kanoa Igarashi 呢位young guy吸引到。入到正門口就係總大樓,之後就分散一棟棟不同既部門或屬下品牌,當然有Quiksilver, Roxy, 仲有DC, Lib Tech, GNU, Moskova。
Quiksilver Campus Video 帶你遊花園
Reception Guest Area |
Display Inspiration |
Canteen / Resting area / Meeting area 有桌球枱呀! |
謝謝你,把門關上。 |
Roxy Girl Washroom :) |
Quiksilver & Roxy Showroom |
Roxy Section |
Old broken surfboard arts |
Take a rest to Skate! |
Office in nature! |
Different Campus of Department |
就連大廈外的樓梯設計都可以滑 板練習! 超型! |
All Photos by Seasalt Rider.
Photos by Quiksilver |
Photos by Quiksilver |
2012 Jiaieshuei International Surfing Festival
一年一度的台灣墾丁佳落水衝浪比賽上星期日完滿結束, 我相信其中最曯目的是 junior組的冠軍Wolf Wertheimer. 他來自香港只有12歲, 比賽當中他發揮了最高水準, 做出高難度動作frontside air, 整個動作暢順, 他的滑浪姿勢及技巧感覺專業, 簡直是young gun才子. 令人欽佩的!!同時這可是值得紀念的一場賽事, 因為是他的小小人生中第一個滑浪公開賽的冠軍! 真是可喜可賀!
繼續加油努力 Wolf!
其實在香港, 喜愛滑浪的小朋友真的少之有少. 小小個子站在滑浪板上真的好可愛!
所以他在海中都會較受注目. 哈!
我們會即將訪問他, 希望有多的朋友對這個非常有潛質的好動小子認識更多啦!
2012 Jialeshuei International Surfing Festival in Kenting is one of the biggest international surfing competition in Taiwan. It was finished successfully with great ending on last Sunday.
Wolf Wertheimer from Hong Kong, got the champion of the junior group which I think one of the hottest kid in this contest. you know he is only 12 years old and he did developed his highest level to make kinda difficult frontside air in the game simultaneously. It's not only the entire movement is smooth but also his standard posture and skills looks professional. That's impressive!
Moreover, this is kind of the memorable competition because of the ever 1st champion of Open surf cup in his little life. really Awesome!
Keep it up Wolf!
In fact, the little surfer s very less in Hong Kong. It's such an adorable scene when you re seeing a little kid s standing on the surfboard riding on a wave. That's Cool!
Therefore, He is always been gazed in the sea. haha!
Proud of him seriously!
We would like to visit him have an informal interview soon hopefully. just share and recognized more about this potential rock kid.
In fact, the little surfer s very less in Hong Kong. It's such an adorable scene when you re seeing a little kid s standing on the surfboard riding on a wave. That's Cool!
Therefore, He is always been gazed in the sea. haha!
Proud of him seriously!
We would like to visit him have an informal interview soon hopefully. just share and recognized more about this potential rock kid.
Photos Credited by Yu A Fu, Taiwanese